03 March 2025

Publish a Report

To publish a report:

  1. Use the Condition Builder to filter the data that you want to report on.

    Condition Builder

  2. Click the Publish button in the Reports group of the Data Miner ribbon.

    Publish button

    The Publish Report window is displayed.

    Publish Report window

  3. Enter the relevant details for the published report.

The fields on the Publish Report window are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Name The name of the report.
Title The title of the report.
Agent Context This functionality has been deprecated and is no longer current.
Context (ebs4 Client)

The context of the report in ebs: central. Select the ebs: central context from the drop-down list.

This will be defaulted to the context the view belongs to.

Tree Placement The location of the report. Select the tree placement from the drop-down list.

Displays a list of parameters for the report. The parameters can be made visible by selecting the Visibility check box.

You can also edit the name that is displayed for the parameters in the Display Name field.

  1. Click OK to publish the report.

    The Publish Report window is displayed to indicate that the report has been published.

    Successful Publish window

You can publish reports to: